MongoDB directory structure MFA

The dbi services MongoDB Optimal Flexible Architecture has been developed according to the Oracle standards. Since Oracle and RDBMS provides clear and robust directory standards these ones can easily be leverages to NoSQL engines. dbi services used these standards and extended them to the MongoDB technology.

Nowadays due to the evolution of the storage systems we can easily state that the main purpose of the OFA standard is no more to improve the performances by spreading the database components over the storage infrastructure, but it is really to provide a logical and efficient directory structure, easy to maintain.

Based on OFA, dbi services developed a Database Management Toolkit (DMK) allowing to easily moving around the core directories of the MongoDB products. dbi services also adapted the OFA standards to customers’ needs and introduced its large database management experience in this document. Therefore some recommendations won't match exactly with the strict original OFA document (written in 1995). The purpose of this document is also to provide a clear presentation of the OFA architecture in order to be able to deploy it on any MongoDB server infrastructure. In summary the core advantages of the OFA architecture are listed below:

  • All servers have the same directory structure, decreasing the maintenance and troubleshooting efforts (and costs)

  • Propose a structure to install MongoDB products but also other kind of NoSQL server (for instance Cassandra, Redis)

  • Database security is increased since the critical components are spread out over several physical disks and locations

  • Since all the servers use the same structure the deployment of scripts is easier from a central server According to its NoSQL database infrastructure management experience, dbi services strongly advices the usage of the OFA standards, or at least to follow as much best practices as possible.

Mount Point


Keep all admin files, database binaries, dmk installation and config files


Kep all database files


Keep all backups and dumps



Mongo db database binaries. x.x. is the version number


DMK install path


DMK configuration files


Stage path to keep tar.gz binaries files.


Configurtation and init fiels for each database


Database files


Database log files.


Backups and dumps

Variables associated with OFA

These variables are defnied in dmk.conf file located usualy in ${DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf path.








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