OFA Naming guidelines
As OFA should be a "flexible" architecture we provide only guidelines and best practices concerning the naming convention of the several database components.
MYSQL_HOME directories
The MYSQL_HOME directory contains the installation of the MySQL binaries. In "MySQL" terminology it corresponds to the "basedir" (defined in the MySQL configuration file - my.cnf).
dbi services proposes the following standards to name the directories containing the MySQL binaries:
In order to avoid usage of long names (like presented above) a soft link should be created with a short one:
Other MySQL utilities like MySQL enterprise backup, MySQL Workbench, and so on ... should also be installed in this directory structure:
Mount points
It is important to consider that each mount point represents a separate filesystem. In some cases, it should even be a filesystem stored on different disks (i.e. filesystems for binary logs different than the one for MyISAM tables). Below is a list of components which should be separated over different physical disks :
Strongly advised :
MySQL software / MySQL databases
Database admin files (socket, lock) / MySQL databases
Binary log files / MySQL database files (storage engine files)
MySQL database files / MySQL backup files
MyISAM tables and Indexes (depending on your disk layout and architecture)
The usual naming convention for OFA mount points is /u[0-1][0-1] on UNIX.
On Windows each mount point is a drive identified by a letter as D: E: dbi services advices using named mount points according to this pattern /u9[0-1] for storing components like backup files. Using /u9[0-1] directories allows having a clear database files separation usually stored under the following mount points (/u01, /u02, /u03, ...). If the database currently uses /u01 and /u02, the next filesystem available will be /u03. /u03 has not been reserved by the backup components (because it is stored under /u9[0- 1]).
Last updated