All scripts have a detailed synopsis please check the option “-h” or “--help”.
The execution of dmk_backup_report.{ksh|ps1} requires a configuration file, which contains the needed parameters detailed later in this chapter. A template of the configuration file, named report.cfg, is stored in the subfolders template from DMK_DBBACKUP environment.
Using dmk_backup_report script is only possible when a catalog is implemented and in use.
To launch the backup report from linux platform:
oracle@vmdmkdbboradg1:/home/oracle/ [rdbms12201] dmk_backup_report.ksh -c
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/templates/report.cfg ::INFO ==>
Configfile : /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/templates/report.cfg ::INFO ==> sqlplus
log file : /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk/log/2020-07-27_11-05-
43_dmk_backup_report.log ::INFO ==> Catalog
connection : CAT/manager@DBCAT18C ::INFO ==> HTML File
to be sent by email : /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk/log/2020-07-27_11-05-
To launch the backup report from windows platform using powershell :
Administrator@WIN-KLICHMDL0LN:C:\\\\ [rdbms122] dmk_backup_report.ps1 -c
C:\\app\\oracle\\local\\dmk_dbbackup\\templates\\report.cfg ::INFO ==>
Configfile : C:\\app\\oracle\\local\\dmk_dbbackup\\templates\\report.cfg ::INFO ==> sqlplus
log file : C:\\app\\oracle\\local\\dmk/log/2020-07-27_11-10-
52_dmk_backup_report.log ::INFO ==> Catalog
connection : CAT/manager@DBCAT18C ::INFO ==> HTML File
to be sent by email : C:\\app\\oracle\\local\\dmk/log/2020-07-27_11-10-
2020-07-27_11:10:56::dmk_backup_report.ps1::MainProgram::INFO ==> CleanExit
[0] code
The PowerShell profile is similar to the Unix/Linux user profile (~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile). The “-noprofile” option bypass the sourcing of the user profile.
The report will be generated as a HTML file which will be sent by email. The report will display for each database stored in the catalog the gap for the last successful full backup, inc0 backup, inc1 backup and archive log backup. If the gap is greater than the expected threshold provided in the configuration file, the result will be displayed in red color. Otherwise the backup will be considered as ok and displayed in green color.
A hyphen character prefixes the command line parameters as they are be used within a shell.
–h or -–help
Display the Synopsis.
–v or -–ver
Display the version.
–c or –-configfile
Provide as argument the configuration file to be used. This configuration file is mandatory and will store all needed parameters as detailed in the next chapter.
dmk_backup_report.ksh -c <path to the configuration file>
Parameter configuration file
The configuration file will include several parameters to be used.
Provides the connection string information to establish a connection to the catalog.
Define customer name used to customize the report and the email sending.
# Name/ShortName of the customer
# Default is : "dbi-services"
Define the list of destination email addresses.
# MailRecipients
# comma separated list of mail recipients
# Default is : "" - empty
Define the smtp server to be used to send the email.
# SmtpServer
# Infrastructure SMTP server
# Default is : "" - localhost
Define the email sender address.
# MailFrom
# Hardcode address From sender
# Default is : "" - ${USERNAME}.${HOSTNAME}@${DOMAIN}
Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler doesn’t launch directly the PowerShell layer. However starting PowerShell from the DOS layer shall be achieved using the following syntax: