Advanced Configuration
This chapter presents the “standard” configuration of DMK. However the flexibility of the tool permits customizations and extensions.
Aliases & Variables Management
The following paragraphs explain how to create your own aliases and variables.
Declare an alias
Aliases are declared using the following syntax
var : creates automatically a variable with the name of the alias with the path specified in the alias. The alias
cdh='cd $ORACLE_HOME'
creates a variablecdh=$ORACLE_HOME
novar : doesn’t create the above variable
force : if a command or an alias already exists it’s overwritten
noforce: a warning is printed instead of overwriting the existing alias or command
Example of a warning printout
For Windows you can explicitly specify if an alias is for cmd.exe or powershell. Add the suffix @cmd or @ps1 to the alias name (e.g. env@cmd).
If you specify an alias for ps1 and it is enclosed in brackets (...) it will be used as-is as a function definition (aliases are implemented as functions). Otherwise, DMK tries to reformat it as a function.
Declare a variable
Variables are declared using the following syntax
var::<name>::[ =|+|-]::[ begin|end|nooption|warn|nowarn]::<your value>::
= : Equal operator
: expand an existing variable
: contract, remove element from a variable
begin/end : works only with the operators [+|-]
nooption|warn : default behave print a warning in case the variable exists
nowarn : disable warning and overwrites the variable
Example of a warning printout
For Windows, you can specify variables in Unix ($ORACLE_HOME) or Windows (%ORACLE_HOME%) notation. DMK rewrites it to the required syntax.
ORACLE Perl Configuration
DMK uses the "perl" executable from the current ORACLE_HOME. It determines automatically the required library path (PERLLIB).
For the initial startup (source it uses the Perl found via the $PATH variable, or you can specify a Perl binary in the environment variable $PERL_EXEC. If both are missing, it tries to use the Perl of the 1st ORACLE_HOME in the oratab.
The easiest way is to use the Perl version shipped by the OS which is in the $PATH (/usr/bin/perl). For Windows we recommend Strawberry Perl.
It is not recommended to use the Perl of an installed ORACLE_HOME for the initial startup. If you remove it once, the environment no longer works…
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