Installation & Upgrade & De Installation


This paragraph describes the installation.


Parts of the DMK are developed in PERL Therefore, it requires the Perl and some Perl additional packages. Below is the list of those packages:

  • perl-TermReadKey.x86_64

  • perl.x86_64'

  • perl-Net-SSLGlue'

  • nc

Software extraction

Based on the dbi services WebLogic OFA (Oracle Flexible Architecture) best practices extract the archive under ${WEBLOGIC_BASE}/local, as explained below:

mkdir local cd local
# download or copy the here.

Typically, on Linux/Unix, ${WEBLOGIC_BASE} match:


In the following of this documentation, ${DMK_HOME} is ${WEBLOGIC_BASE }/dmk

Adapt the DMK configuration file

This is one of the most important installation step, once extracted the “default” configuration file is available under ${DMK_HOME}/etc.


During the installation, the “default” configuration file ${DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf.{unix|win} is renamed to dmk.conf. This mechanism avoids any configuration loss in case of upgrades.

Adapt the following variables:

The WEBLOGIC_CNF environment variable declaration does not accept any variable references.


Each WebLogic domain has to be declared in the CONFIG FILE. This file is named “weblogic_domains.conf” and has to be located in the “${WEBLOGIC_BASE}/local/etc” directory.

cd ${WEBLOGIC_BASE}/local 
mkdir etc

To initialize the DMK copy the sample “weblogic_domain.conf” file available in the DMK templates distribution.

cp ${DMK_HOME}/templates/etc/weblogic_domains.conf ${WEBLOGIC_BASE}/local/etc

Add one row for each existing WebLogic Domain or for each WebLogic Domain created using the Fusion Middleware domain configuration tool. A WebLogic Domain sample definition file is provided in “${DMK_HOME}/templates/etc/sample_domain” directory.

Final Installation step

For Linux/Unix use the appropriate SHELL script.

weblogic@:/u01/app/WEBLOGIC/local/dmk/bin > echo $SHELL
weblogic@:/u01/app/WEBLOGIC/local/dmk/bin/ > . ./dmk.{ksh|bash}

Don’t be afraid, the installation is automated without questioning.

Congratulations you have successfully installed DMK!

Finally, add a profile to source DMK each time a Unix shell is launched. Refer to the paragraph 4.1 Automatic activation of the profile.

If some of the WebLogic domains managed by this dmk installation are clustered on several machines, some of the dmk commands requires ssh remote connections privileges. The ssh access rights configuration is not covered in this document. Please consult the Unix or Linux administrators for this kind of configuration.


dbi services recommend to perform a backup of your DMK package before upgrading. The upgrade process is similar to the installation except that the prerequisites are already fulfilled: Extract the software as explained in paragraph 3.1.2 Software extraction Install DMK as explained in paragraph 3.1.4 Install

That’s it!

Upgrades don’t modify the “

DMKHOME/etc/dmk.conf”file,Pleasereviewthe“{DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf” file, Please review the “DMKH​OME/etc/dmk.conf”file,Pleasereviewthe“{DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf.<unix|win>” file newly introduced aliases or variables.


This paragraph describes the de-installation of the DMK toolkit.

rm ~/.DMK_* 
rm –rf $DMK_HOME

Do not forget to remove the profile from your environment and logout to complete to de-installation

Last updated