Installation & Upgrade & De-Installation

This chapter describes all installation/upgrade/de-installation steps.


This paragraph describes the installation.


This paragraph describes all necessary steps which must be completed, before you start the DMK installation.

  • The PGTAB must contain at least one PGHOME with a dummy entry flag “:D” as presented in the following example:


This dummy entry is required for the installation of DMK, per default once installed this PGHOME is used to source the environment at the login time.

Software extraction

Based on the dbi services and PFA (PostgreSQL Flexible Architecture) best practices, extract the archive under ${PGBASE}/local, as explained below:


Typically, ${PGBASE} matches:

  • “/u01/app/postgres” on Linux/Unix

    Adapt the DMK configuration file

This is one of the most important installation steps: once extracted the “default” configuration file is available under ${DMK_HOME}/etc.

  • ${DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf.unix

Adapt the following variables:

  • PGBASE, set it as explained in the PFA document

  • PGTAB, location of the PGTAB (contains at least one DUMMY entry)


Execute DMK for the first time:


If no issues are reported source DMK for PostgreSQL:

postgres@vmpgl:/u01/app/postgres/local/dmk/bin/#>. ./dmk.bash

Congratulations you have successfully installed DMK!

Finally, add a profile to source DMK each time a Unix shell is launched.

Refer to the paragraph 4.1 Automatic activation of the profile


dbi services recommends, to perform a backup of your DMK package before upgrading.

The upgrade process is like the installation, except that the prerequisites are already fulfilled:

  • Extract the software as explained in paragraph 3.1.2 Software extraction

  • Install DMK as explained in paragraph 3.1.4 Install

That’s it!

Upgrades don’t modify the “${DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf” file. Please review the “${DMK_HOME}/etc/dmk.conf.<unix|win>” file for newly introduced aliases or variables.


This paragraph describes the de-installation of the DMK toolkit.

For Linux:

rm ~/.DMK_*
rm -rf $DMK_HOME

Do not forget to remove the profile from your environment and logout to complete to de-installation.

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