

This script is used to call the perl script. The following list shows all arguments that can be passed to this script. Aliases are available to short cut the command lines.

Unix service scripts

Init.d services

Two init.d templates are provided in the ${DMK_HOME}/templates/init.d directory


The Default Node Manager is to be used if several WebLogic Domains have to be managed from a unique Node Manager. It requires that the and configuration files exist in the ${MW_HOME}/oracle_common/common/nodemanager directory. If they do not exist, thay have to be created. The nodemgr service can be installed as:

  1. As root user, Install the DefaultNodeMgr file as /etc/init.d/nodemgr

  2. Give the execution right to the nodemgr

 chmod +x /etc/init.d/nodemgr  
  1. Add the service to the Unix system

chkconfig --add nodemgr  
  1. Check if the service is added correctly to the list of Unix services

chkconfig –list  
  1. The service can be managed using the following commands:

/sbin/service nodemgr [start|stop|status]  


The WebLogic Domain Node Manager is dedicated to one specific domain. The Node Manager configuration files are created automatically at WebLogic Domain creation time. The nodemgr service can be installed as:

  1. Confirm the domain name and path the DomainNodeMgr file

  2. As root user Install the DomainNodeMgr file as /etc/init.d/nodemgr

  3. Give the execution right to the nodemgr

chmod +x /etc/init.d/nodemgr
  1. Add the service to the Unix system

chkconfig --add nodemgr
  1. Check if the service is added correctly to the list of Unix services

chkconfig –list
  1. The service can be managed using the following commands:

/sbin/service nodemgr [start|stop|status]

Sytemd services

Two templates are provided in the ${DMK_HOME}/templates/systemd directory.


This file allows to start and stop a node manager as a Unix Service. Make sure to update the variables for the service to work properly:


This file allows to start and stop a specific WebLogic Domain at Unix start and Stop

Installation and configuration of those services

The files have to be installed in /etc/systemd/system. Once they are installed, the following command have to run as root user to enable and start/stop the services:

systemctl enable oracle_nodemanager_dbiDomain.service
systemctl start oracle_nodemanager_dbiDomain.service
systemctl stop oracle_nodemanager_dbiDomain.service
systemctl enable oracle_weblogic_dbiDomain.service
systemctl start oracle_weblogic_dbiDomain.service
systemctl stop oracle_weblogic_dbiDomain.service

The status can be checked using the “systemctl status <service_name>”

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