This chapter presents the RMAN wrapper script dmk_rman{ksh|ps1}.
All scripts have a detailed synopsis. Please check the option â-hâ or ââhelpâ.
The execution of dmk_rman.{ksh|ps1} requires a configuration file, which contains the following parameters.
The script requires command lines argument in addition to the configuration file. Some of the configuration file parameters are also available in command-line. The parameters given in command line are from higher priority compared to their configuration values. Which allows different behave using the same configuration file.
The default configuration parameter BackupType is âbck_inc0.rcvâ, so the below command start an full incremental database backup level 0.
dmk_rman.ksh âs ${ORACLE_SID}
To launch an Archivelog Backup using the same configuration as above launch the script as follows
dmk_rman.ksh âs ${ORACLE_SID} ât bck_arc.rcv
Once all parameters have been computed dmk_rman starts to look at the specified RMAN rcv script and replace the placeholders with the value of the below parameters. In addition, some parameters are automatically generated by dmk_rman like the placeholder <START_DATE>.
Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler doesnât launch directly the PowerShell layer.
However, starting PowerShell from the DOS layer shall be achieved using the following syntax:
DOS batch scripts can then be used to execute backups through the Windows Task Scheduler. This DOS batch script will execute PowerShell with the appropriate dmk_rman.ps1 commands as explained previously. Note that for the same ORACLE_SID a different batch file needs to be used for each PowerShell backup command.
The PowerShell profile is similar to the Unix/Linux user profile (~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile). The â-noprofileâ option bypass the sourcing of the user profile.
Example of rman_TEST_arc.cmd DOS batch script to backup archive logs for TEST database using bck_arc.rcv rman script file :
@echo off
SET DMK_HOME=C:\\oracle\\local\\dmk
powershell.exe -noprofile ^
command "C:\\oracle\\local\\dmk_dbbackup\\bin\\dmk_rman.ps1 -s TEST -t bck_arc.rcv"
Example of Windows Task Scheduler configuration :
Getting started with âdmk_rman.{ksh|ps1}â requires to copy the template RCV scripts provided:
Please refer to the Appendix chapter, paragraph 9.4 Templates RCV for details.
OK : Prescript, rman backup, postscript are all OK
WARNING : rman backup is ok, but there is an error on either the prescript or the postscript
ERROR : There is an error with the rman backup (connection failure, backup, any RMAN-XXXXX errors.
A hyphen character prefixes the command line parameters as they are be used within a shell.
âh or âhelp
Display the Synopsis.
âs or -âsid
The target database on which, the Oracle RMAN operation should be launched. This parameter is always required.
dmk_rman.ksh âs ${ORACLE_SID}
âu or â-usecatalog
With this option, there is now 2 ways left for doing backup with the catalog :
Always (default)
resync_only (has been deprecated)
Using this parameter is only possible with the CLI.
none option
When using ânoneâ option, the catalog will not be used at all even if configured in the rman configuration file (default rman.cfg).
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -u none
Logfile is :
always option
When using âalwaysâ option, the catalog will be used during the whole backup process. A connection is made immediately at the beginning before doing the backup commands. This is the default option when usecatalog is not mentioned in the CLI and a catalog connection is configured in the configuration file (rman.cfg).
usecatalog always is the default option:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 0 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
usecatalog always can still be used in the CLI:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -u always ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 0 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
In case the always option is enforced in the CLI albeit there is no catalog entry in the configuration file, the program will exit with an error 5026 - CLI use catalog value is always and there is no catalog configured. Exiting.
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/ u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/ [DB19C] grep -i
catalog rman.cfg
#RMAN Catalog connection string
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -u always ::ERROR ==> 5026 -
CLI use catalog value is always and there is no catalog configured. Exiting.
A new parameter, --usecatalog_continue_on_errors, has been introduced and is only taken in account with the always option case. This parameter is only usable with command line (CLI). When added to the CLI, the backup will still move forward even if connection with the catalog is failing. The backup will move forward with the control_file as backup metadata, and will be usable.
In case a backup script still needs to move forward even if the catalog is not available, as archive log backups for example, in order to avoid FRA management problem, add the --usecatalog_continue_on_errors option in the CLI. The backup script will generate an error on the catalog connection but will still move forward and be executed. The global backup dmk_dbbackup script result code will still be 1 (ERROR) due to the catalog connection issue but will be usable.
In case the --usecatalog_continue_on_errors is used and there is a catalog connection issue, the global dmk_dbbackup script will end with an error code even if the backup is successfully completed. Solving the catalog connection issue is still mandatory and still need high attention.
OK : Prescript, rman backup, postscript are all OK
WARNING : rman backup is ok, but there is an error on either the prescript or the postscript
ERROR : There is an error with the rman backup (connection failure, backup, any RMAN-XXXXX errors.
use catalog always option without continue on errors:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 0 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
use catalog always option with continue on errors:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv --usecatalog_continue_on_errors ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 1 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
In case of RMAN catalog failure and --usecatalog_continue_on_errors is not activated, the backup will fail and stop immediately:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 0 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-04004: error from recovery catalog database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener
does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] cat
# File: DB19C_bck_inc0_no_arc_del_20210707_141852.log
# timestamp: 2021-07-07_14:18:53
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jul 7 14:18:53 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
connected to target database: DB19C (DBID=2146829258)
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00554: initialization of internal recovery manager package failed
RMAN-04004: error from recovery catalog database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener
does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
RMAN return Code: 1
# END OF: DB19C_bck_inc0_no_arc_del_20210707_141852.log
# timestamp: 2021-07-07_14:18:55
In case of failure with the RMAN catalog and --usecatalog_continue_on_errors is activated, the backup will move forward as seen in the following log file. The backup will still end with a return code of 1 on a RMAN error to alert on the catalog problem which needs to be solved as soon as possible:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv --usecatalog_continue_on_errors ::INFO ==> Use
catalog is always and continue on error is set to 1 (0 means do not continue
on errors, 1 means continue on errors).
Logfile is :
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-04004: error from recovery catalog database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener
does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] more
Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Jul 7 14:19:42 2021
Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights
connected to target database: DB19C (DBID=2146829258)
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-04004: error from recovery catalog database: ORA-12514: TNS:listener
does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
Starting backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:19:45
channel disk1: starting incremental level 0 datafile backup set
channel disk1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
input datafile file number=00001
input datafile file number=00003
input datafile file number=00004
input datafile file number=00007
channel disk1: starting piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:19:45
channel disk1: finished piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:10
258_s407_p1.bck tag=INC0_20210707_141941 comment=NONE
channel disk1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:10
Starting backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:11
current log archived
skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 41 to 45; already backed up
skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 43 to 44; already backed up
skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 1 to 40; already backed up
skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 38 to 39; already backed up
skipping archived logs of thread 1 from sequence 1 to 100; already backed up
channel disk1: starting archived log backup set
channel disk1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=101 RECID=362 STAMP=1077286811
channel disk1: starting piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:11
channel disk1: finished piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:12
58_s408_p1.bck tag=ARCH_20210707_141941 comment=NONE
channel disk1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:12
Starting backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:12
channel disk1: starting full datafile backup set
channel disk1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
including current control file in backup set
channel disk1: starting piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:13
channel disk1: finished piece 1 at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:14
58_s409_p1.ctl tag=CTRL_20210707_141941 comment=NONE
channel disk1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:14
Starting Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:14
piece handle=/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/backup/20210707_141941_c2146829258-20210707-0a comment=NONE
Finished Control File and SPFILE Autobackup at 07-JUL-2021 14:20:15
sql statement: create
pfile=''/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/backup/init_DB19C.ora'' from spfile
released channel: disk1
RMAN> # DMK_DBBACKUP - automatic RMAN catalog always.
2> **end-of-file**
Recovery Manager complete.
RMAN return Code: 1
# END OF: DB19C_bck_inc0_no_arc_del_20210707_141941.log
# timestamp: 2021-07-07_14:20:16
resync_only option
When using âresync_onlyâ, the backup will be done without a catalog connection. The metadata will be stored in the control files and a resync between the control files and the catalog will be performed at the end, after the backup is completed. So 2 return codes will be seen in the log file. The first one for the backup and the second one for the resync. If the catalog is not available, the return code for the resync will show failure, but the backup could still be successful and usable.
Please note that this option has been deprecated and kept only for backwards compatibility. In case resync_only is used, a warning will now be displayed in the console. A warning note will also be added to the email body and will be sent according to the email configuration policy.
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -u resync_only ::WARNING ==>
GlobalParams(usecatalog) option [resync_only] is DEPRECATED. Please consider
moving to ALWAYS or NONE.
Logfile is :
âc or â-configfile
The dbi services best practice consist of saving the configuration file under the database admin directory which makes the command-line parameter âConfigFileâ useless
# RMAN Connect string for target database
# especially useful for remote backups
# Default is : ""
#target="user/pwd@<TNS_ALIAS> AS SYSBACKUP"
âd or --channeltype
# Commandline : --channeltype or -d
# Type of channel to allocate
# Valid types are "disk" or "sbt_tape"
# Default is : "disk"
ân or --channelnbr
# Commandline : --channelnbr or -n
# Number of RMAN channel to allocate
# Default is : "1"
âp or â-channelparms
# Commandline : --channelparams or -p
# RMAN Channel allocation parameters
# Multiple lines allowed! REQUIRES QUOTES " to delimit
# the whole string as shown below :
# ChannelParms="PARMS='SBT_LIBRARY=oracle.disksbt,
# ENV=(BACKUP_DIR=/dev/null)'"
# Default is : "<null>"
ât or â-backuptype
# Commandline : --backuptype or ât
# RMAN rcv script which will be executed
# By ommitting an absolute path dmk_rman searchs a template
# under the directory $DMK_DBBACKUP\\rcv\\Oracle[10|11]
# Default is : "bck_inc0.rcv"
# RetPolicy
# RMAN Backup retention policiy, recovery window
# Default is : "" - 4 Days
Per default, an RMAN recovery window of 4 Days is set by DMK_DBBACKUP. This parameter can be set to a value less than the default if desired.
# ArchDelPolicy
# RMAN Archive deletion policiy
# Default is "NONE"
Per default, the RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY is set to âNONEâ. This parameter can be set to a different value if required.
# ArchDelPolicySTD
# RMAN Archive deletion policy
# "NONE"
Per default, the RMAN ARCHIVELOG DELETION POLICY for the Standby is set to âAPPLIED ON ALL STANDBYâ. This parameter can be set to a different value if required.
# Bck_Path
# Backup destination
# Default is : "" - $DMK_ORA_ADMIN_SID/backup
# If you perform RMAN backups to the FRA, use the appropriate RCV template
# as the FRA is database defined destination
If the backup directory doesnât exist, the RMAN operation will abort!
Fully qualified path without variable is expected if not taking default location.
# BlckChange
# Block Change Tracking File destination
# Will be manually manage independently if database is OMF or not
# Default is : "" - BckPath
# Recommendation is to have the block change tracking file located in the
oracle data directory
Path used to store the block change tracking file. This parameter is used with the following rcv files:
# NFSTimeOut
# NFS Timeout, to handle stalled NFS for the BckPath
# Default is : "10" seconds
With this parameter we can handle the NFS stalled problem, the process do exit if the timeout is reached!
# Log_Path
# Destination of the log files
# Default is : "" - $DMK_ORA_ADMIN_SID/log
If the log file directory doesnât exist it will be automatically created, a warning message announce this operation.
Fully qualified path without variable is expected if not taking default location.
# Number of Files per backup piece
# Default is : "10"
# Number of archivelop files per archive backup piece
# Default is : "10"
# Oracle 12c - multisection backup support
# Default is : "8G"
âz or --compress
# Commandline : --compress or -z
# RMAN Compressed Backup
# Default is : "0" - non compressed
# "1" - compressed
# Launch a pre Export script
# the logfile is written under LogPath
# Default is : ""
This gives the possibility for the user to execute a batch script (windows) or a shell script (linux) before executing the backup.
# Launch a post Backup script
# the logfile will be written under log_path parameter
# Default is : ""
This gives the possibility for the user to execute a batch script (windows) or a shell script (linux) after executing the backup.
# Name/ShortName of the customer
# Default is : "dbi-services"
# Commandline : --nosuccessmail
# "0" -means the sucessmail will be sent as well
# "1" -means that email will be only sent in case of problem or error
# Default is : "0"
# MailRecipients
# comma separated list of mail recipients
# Default is : "" - empty
# SmtpServer
# Infrastructure SMTP server
# Default is : "" - localhost
A hyphen character prefixes the command line parameters as they are being used within a shell.
Each parameter defined within the configuration file is automatically parsed at runtime and environment variables defined as values implicitly expanded. Syntax:
# MailFrom
# Hardcode address From sender
# Default is : "" - ${USERNAME}.${HOSTNAME}@${DOMAIN}
Real dbbackup implementation case example
This chapter is only intended to give an overview of an example of a dbbackup implementation during a consulting project. There is no intention to say it is the only way to perform an installation and all projects are different.
This installation applies to a configuration where:
Data Guard is in used
The system is composed with a primary (vmtestoradg1) and a least one standby (vmtestoradg2) database servers
The archive logs are stored in the FRA. Archive logs will not be deleted during the backup script, and we will rely on oracle to remove the archive logs made reclaimable if place is needed.
The backups are executed through the linux crontab.
We would like to run
at 22:00 every day an inc0 backup
every 4 hours an archived log backup.
every day at 06:00 a backup deletion
every 4 hours an archive log deletion policy changes on the standby to ensure the policy is set accordingly in case there were a recent switchover. No other backup script will be run on the standby database.
As we are using a configuration with 2 servers one for the primary and one for the standby we expect both servers to be configured the same way. Each server can one time hold either the primary database or the standby database.
Our instance is called DB19C. Our primary db_unique_name is DB19C_SITE1 when the standby db_unique_name is DB19C_SITE2. Our database version is 19c, therefore we will use the rcv template from the oracle12 folder. Reminder, all versions up to 12c use the rcv files from the oracle12 folder.
Archive log deletion policy
The archive log deletion policy will define when oracle will be able to setup an archive log as reclaimable in order to delete it if space is needed (more than 80% of the FRA is in used).
In our case, the archive log deletion policy will have to be configured as following:
âAPPLIED ON ALL STANDBY BACKED UP 1 TIMES TO DISKâ when the database is primary
âAPPLIED ON ALL STANDBYâ when the database is standby
Configure rman.cfg file
We will consider that the following directories were already created for the specific instance on both primary and standby servers:
We will then first copy the rman.cfg template which we will adapt as needed:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dbbackup
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/ [DB19C] cp -p
templates/rman.cfg $DMK_ORA_ADMIN_SID/etc/
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/ [DB19C] cda
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/ [DB19C] cd etc
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/ [DB19C] ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r--. 1 oracle oinstall 5277 Jul 7 15:30 rman.cfg
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/ [DB19C] vi rman.cfg
Backup path location
We will consider that the backups will be recorded in the default backup location (u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/backup). A symbolic link could be created in order to have the backup recorded in another file system, or the additional file system could be mounted as default backup location.
In that case we will not configure the BckPath parameter and leave it empty. In case we use a NFS shared drive, this parameter will need to be updated with the NFS mount point.
Knowing we are using EE Edition, we will configure disk channel type with 4 parallel channels (this is just an example, and would need to be adapted to the customer environment and requirements).
By default, if not mentioned in the dmk_rman.ksh command, we would like to run an inc0 backup. Therefore we will configure the appropriate script as been the default one.
We will configure the archive log deletion policy as mentioned in the 6.2.1 part.
ArchDelPolicy parameter is used for the primary database when ArchDelPolicySTD is used for the standby database.
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/ [DB19C] grep -i
^archdelpolicy rman.cfg
Additional parameters
The following additional parameters need to be configured according to the customer environment.
We now need to copy the rcv script files we will use from the template directory. We are running database version 19c, so we will use the templates from the oracle12 directory and copy them into the appropriate running rcv directory. This rcv scripts have the needed variable in relation to the rman.cfg file.
For our implementation we will use following rcv templates:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] dbbackup
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/ [DB19C] cd
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/rcv/oracle12/ [DB19C]
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/rcv/oracle12/ [DB19C]
cp -p
,change_arc_del_policy.rcv,mnt_obs.rcv} .
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/rcv/oracle12/ [DB19C]
bck_arc_no_arc_del.rcv bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv change_arc_del_policy.rcv
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/rcv/oracle12/ [DB19C]
We need to copy the same file into the standby server.
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] crontab -l
no crontab for oracle
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] crontab -e
no crontab for oracle - using an empty one
crontab: installing new crontab
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C] crontab -l
# Crontab for Oracle user
# Used to run Oracle related jobs
# Version Date Author Comment
# 1.0 14.07.2021 Marc Wagner Initial release
#minutes (0-59),
#| hours (0-23),
#| | day of month (1-31),
#| | | month of year (1-12),
#| | | | day of week (0-6 with 0=Sunday).
#| | | | | commands
# DB19C database
#Full incremental level 0 backup for DB19C database
0 22 * * * /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
>/tmp/run_bck_inc0_DB19C.log 2>&1
#Archivelogs backup every 4 hours for DB19C database
0 */4 * * * /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_arc_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
>/tmp/run_bck_arc_DB19C.log 2>&1
#Backups deletion for DB19C database
0 6 * * * /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t mnt_obs.rcv
-c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg" >/tmp/run_del_obs_DB19C.log
#Change ARCHIVE LOG DELETION POLICY if database becomes Standby every 4
0 */4 * * * /u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_standby.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
change_arc_del_policy.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
>/tmp/run_change_policy_DB19C.log 2>&1
We will use both check_primary.ksh and check_standby.ksh scripts from the dmk_ha plugin in order to have both servers configured the same way and to execute the appropriate scripts in relation to the current databases role.
Test the backups
On the primary server
Inc0 backup:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C]
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
2021-07-14_15:11:30::check_primary.ksh::SetOraEnv ::INFO ==>
Environment: DB19C (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1)
2021-07-14_15:11:30::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Getting
2021-07-14_15:11:32::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> DB19C
Database Role is: PRIMARY
2021-07-14_15:11:32::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Program
going ahead and starting requested command
2021-07-14_15:11:32::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Script :
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_inc0_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg
Logfile is :
2021-07-14_15:11:50::check_primary.ksh::CleanExit ::INFO ==> Program
exited with ExitCode : 0
Archive log backup:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C]
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_arc_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
2021-07-14_15:12:51::check_primary.ksh::SetOraEnv ::INFO ==>
Environment: DB19C (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1)
2021-07-14_15:12:51::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Getting
2021-07-14_15:12:52::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> DB19C
Database Role is: PRIMARY
2021-07-14_15:12:52::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Program
going ahead and starting requested command
2021-07-14_15:12:52::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Script :
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
bck_arc_no_arc_del.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg
Logfile is :
2021-07-14_15:13:03::check_primary.ksh::CleanExit ::INFO ==> Program
exited with ExitCode : 0
Backup deletion:
oracle@vmtestoradg1:/home/oracle/ [DB19C]
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_primary.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t mnt_obs.rcv
-c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
2021-07-14_15:14:09::check_primary.ksh::SetOraEnv ::INFO ==>
Environment: DB19C (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1)
2021-07-14_15:14:09::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Getting
2021-07-14_15:14:11::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> DB19C
Database Role is: PRIMARY
2021-07-14_15:14:11::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Program
going ahead and starting requested command
2021-07-14_15:14:11::check_primary.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Script :
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t mnt_obs.rcv
-c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg
Logfile is :
2021-07-14_15:14:15::check_primary.ksh::CleanExit ::INFO ==> Program
exited with ExitCode : 0
On the standby server
Change archive log deletion policy on standby:
oracle@vmtestoradg2:/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/rcv/oracle12/ [DB19C]
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_ha/bin/check_standby.ksh DB19C
"/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
change_arc_del_policy.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg"
2021-07-14_15:18:50::check_standby.ksh::SetOraEnv ::INFO ==>
Environment: DB19C (/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1)
2021-07-14_15:18:50::check_standby.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Getting
2021-07-14_15:18:51::check_standby.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> DB19C
Database Role is: PHYSICAL STANDBY
2021-07-14_15:18:51::check_standby.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Program
going ahead and starting requested command
2021-07-14_15:18:51::check_standby.ksh::MainProgram ::INFO ==> Script :
/u01/app/oracle/local/dmk_dbbackup/bin/dmk_rman.ksh -s DB19C -t
change_arc_del_policy.rcv -c /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB19C/etc/rman.cfg
Logfile is :
2021-07-14_15:18:56::check_standby.ksh::CleanExit ::INFO ==> Program
exited with ExitCode : 0
Oracle 18c and 19c databases will be considered as been part of the oracle 12c family and therefore oracle12 rcv files will be used. Make sure to copy the appropriate needed rcv file into ${DMK_DBBACKUP}/rcv/oracle12.
The dmk_dbbackup result codes are :
In case there is no catalog connection added into the rman configuration file, the backup will be done without catalog and this --usecatalog option will be ignored.
In case a backup script should not be completed without an available catalog connection as backup deletion for example, do not use --usecatalog_continue_on_errors option. The backup script will stop immediately on catalog connection error, will fail and no operation will be further performed. The backup result code is 1 (ERROR).
Reminder about the dmk_dbbackup return codes :
If no full qualified path is given, but only the script name preceded by ./ for linux, dmk_rman is expected to be run in the current directory where the script is located. Otherwise, the user needs to give the full qualified path without using variables.
DMK_DBBACKUP considers only the return code of the script to check whether the execution was successful or not.
If no full qualified path is given, but only the script name preceded by ./ for linux, dmk_rman is expected to be run in the current directory where the script is located. Otherwise, the user needs to give the full qualified path without using variables.
DMK_DBBACKUP considers only the return code of the script to check whether the execution was successful or not.