
dbi services offers an intelligent housekeeping script to perform several types of operations on log files which are valid and identical for Microsoft Windows and Linux/Unix systems.

  • Archive continuously written files such as the Alert*.log or the dr*.log (Dataguard broker) log file or a third party file such as the Apache access_log or errog_log. The last nnn lines are kept In the original file.

  • Truncate files older than the threshold

  • Delete files older than the threshold

  • Compres (gzip) files older than the threshold

  • Oracle ADRCI (Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter) purge.

    This function is available for any installed oracle products which have a Diagnostic repository.

    • By default the adrci policies are disabled and the purge Is done with purge -age <days>

    • If the adrci policies are enabled, first the adrci policies are set then purge Is run.

The implementation consist of

  • Copy the conf. template

cp ${DMK_HOME}/templates/etc/housekeeping.conf.<unix|win> \\
  • Adapt the configuration file This configuration file is composed of three sections:

- The Definition section, set default values for all operation types

DEF::DELET::100::# delete files older than 100 days
DEF::TRUNC::1000::# keep the 1000 last lines
DEF::ARCHI::1000::# backup the file and keep the 1000 last lines
DEF::COMPR::100::# compress files only if older than 100 days
# adrci control parameters (value 0 = switched off)
DEF::ADRCI_SHORTP_POLICY::0::# short time purge policy in hours
DEF::ADRCI_LONGP_POLICY::0::# long time purge policy in hours
DEF::ADRCI_SIZEP_POLICY::0::# size purge policy in bytes; ONLY IN ORACLE >= 12.2

- The Standard section, which is composed as follows

# Grid Infrastructure

You can add your own policy for other ORACLE adrci compatible products.

- The Custom section

CST::/u01/app/oracle/admin/*/hist/*::DELET::100:: # customized aging

- The last feature is the customization of each line by adding digits between the double colons at the end of the line, like the 100 days from above example

- The static environment variables $ORACLE_BASE, $DMK_HOME are allowed and resolved.

- The text-based listener.log should only be added In oracle < 19c. In oracle >= 19c use the listener parameters LOG_FILE_NUM_LISTENER=<n>, LOG_FILE_SIZE_LISTENER=<n> Instead.


housekeeping.{ksh|ps1} [-c configuration file|none]

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