OMrun Variables
OMrun Variables #OMrun[VariableName]#
OMrun internal variables are used to pass internal path and business system information to the parameter list of a Design Test Object. This allows an installation of a business system on any machine and disk without updating the environment variables.
Use variables #OMrun[VariableName]#
The values of the OMrun variables in this example below are used in the OMrun self test.
C:\Users\UserName \AppData\Roaming\Omis\OMrun\Example
C:\Program Files\OMIS\OMrun\BuiltInTests
C:\Program Files\OMIS\OMrun\DataMigration
Windows environment variables
You can also use Windows system-/user variables. → (%VariableName%)
Important: please restart OMrun to get the value of the new variable loaded and accessible.
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