XML Converter XL
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Plug-in to convert XML files into flat files within OMrun.
Execution parameters to invoke a conversion:
Field ´@param1´ (Input file) [mandatory]
Description: Source location incl. file name + extension
Syntax: <full path>\<file name>.xml
Example: @TestCases\OMrun\Mapping_Business_Rules\Rename_Result_Before_Convert\Results_Renamed_Amber.xml
Possible values:
<file name>.xml (a valid entry superseds any value of field Application)
* [or] <empty> (wildcard or no entry demands a valid entry of field Application)\
Field ´@param2´ (Output path) [mandatory]
Description: Target location of converted files
Syntax: <full path> (without ending backslash)
Example: @TestCases\OMrun\Mapping_Business_Rules\Convert_Result_Before_Verify\
Field ´@param3´ (Output file) [optional]
Description: Target file name + extension
Syntax: <file name>.<extension> (without backslash at beginning)
Example: Result_Ready2Verify_Amber.csv
Possible values:
<file name>.csv
csv (taking input file name and converting into csv)
* [or] <empty> (default = File name from @param1 and converted into csv)\
Field ´@param4´ (Header definition file) [optional]
Description: File (csv) with all headers generated from XML file
Syntax: <file name.csv>
Example: Filename_HeaderDefinition.csv
Possible values:
<header definition file name.csv> (= File will be converted with this header definition file)
* [or] <empty> (=No value converts each file with its own header file generated)
The converted file contains 2 additional attributes in front of all other attributes:
FileName_0 (original file name of XML input file without extension)
Id_1 (record id of XML input file)
Output format of the CSV file will be ANSI by default. Different formats could be set in config file (admin rights needed): C:\Program Files\OMIS\OMrun\BuiltInTests\OMrunPlugIn_XmlConverter.exe.config
Encoding CSV Output Format It is possible to define the encoding for the csv file:
UTF8 [with BOM]
UTF8 without BOM (Default)