YaK Demo
dbi services makes free demo environments available to all, so that you can play with the YaK. The Yak Demo environment is hosted on one of dbi services AWS tenants and is automatically destroyed after 4 hours.
The demo environment is not supposed to be used for production purpose (it’s just a demo and everything is scrubbed after 4 hours)
dbi services shall not be held liable for any data loss on this demo environment
Wanna give it a try?
To do so, simply connect to https://yak4all.io/demo/, fill in the form and you will receive a confirmation email from no-reply@dbi-services.com.
Please allow 5 to 10 minutes for the environment to be provisioned and the YaK to spin up. Once up and running you'll receive a second email from no-reply@demo.yak4all.io with the URL to connect to your YaK.
Check your inbox and junk mail to make sure you don't miss out on your YaK experience!
The demo environment we provision comes with the following restrictions (this will not be the case with a normal installation of YaK):
Available shapes: t3.micro, t3.small, t3.medium
Available disk types: gp2, gp3
Disk sizes: max 50gb
Available component: PostgreSQL
AWS Region: eu-west-1
YaK Login Page
Open the link received and log into the YaK.
Login: admin
Password: ABCdef1234@
Where to start?
Alright, you're all set, your environment is ready. Let's give it a try!
We have pre-provisioned the YaK with a few things for you so that you can almost immediately deploy your servers and components:
An infrastructure named "aws-demo-1" already exists
AWS secrets have been attached to this infrastructure
A PostgreSQL component type is available to you
What you need to do now
Well, we've thought of a scenario, but feel free to explore the YaK on your own if you prefer.
Our use case here is to deploy a server to AWS and then deploy a PostgreSQL database instance on it.
1. Declare a SSH key
In order to connect securely to the Linux servers once created, a pair of SSH keys must be generated and the private key must be transferred to the servers.
Generate your SSH key:
SSH keys can be generated from any machine running openSSH with the "ssh-keygen" command.
Copy the content of the private key file:
Feed the YaK with the SSH key:
From the menu, navigate to Configuration -> Secrets
Click "Declare"
Give a name to your secret (my-ssh-key)
Select "ssh key" as secret type
Paste the entirety of the private key previously copied, into the corresponding field of the form
Click "Save"
2. Attach your SSH key to the infrastructure
From the menu, navigate to "Infrastructures"
Select the "aws-demo-1" infrastructure in the list
Click the "Action" button
Click "Attach secret"
Select the SSH secret created in the previous step from the list
Click "Attach"
3. Declare a server
Navigate to the "Servers" menu
Click "Declare"
Give it a name
Select the Infrastructure (aws-demo-1) to deploy your server to
Select an Image to install : let's take Debian 12 for example
Select a server Shape
Add custom tags as per your need (optional)
Network section:
Mode: automatic
IP: leave blank
Scope: public
Tick the "Admin access" checkbox: this defines the IP address used to connect to the server for configuration purpose.
Click Save
4. Deploy your server
Select your server in the list
Click "Deploy" from the "Actions" menu
Confirm "Deploy" in the pop up box
Wait until the job status is "Successful"
Your server should be automatically started and is now in a "running" state
You should already be able to connect to it via SSH by selecting the server and retrieving the public IP from the server parameters. (see step "connect to your server")
But hold your horses! Let's deploy a component on it! (if you can't wait, skip the component deployment and come back to it later, that's OK)
5. Declare your component
Navigate to the "Components" menu
Click "Declare"
Give it a name (ex: PG01)
Select your component type (postgresql_instance)
Select your subcomponent type (standalone)
HA requires 3 servers be deployed, in this example we will consider a standalone setup as we have declared 1 server only
Fill in the "Instance name" field (ex: mypgdb)
Choose your Provider (here it will be aws)
Select the PostgreSQL host where you want to deploy your database instance (the server created previously)
Navigate to the "Storage" tab and fill in the required fields.
Set Max size of component disks for the 3 file systems:
/u01 -> 40GB
/u02 -> 20GB
/u90 -> 20GB
Click "Save"
6. Deploy your component
Your PostgreSQL database instance is configured, now let's deploy it:
Select the component you've just configured from the list
Click "Actions"
Then click "Deploy a new PostgreSQL Standalone instance"
Confirm your choice in the pop-up menu
Seat back, relax, follow the deployment steps from the jobs menu and wait until your component is successfully installed and configured.
7. Connect to your server and play around
Open a SSH connection to the public IP address of your server
Your public IP address can be retrieved from Servers -> Parameters
The default user for debian based AMI is "admin", but this could be something else, based on the AMI you selected.
Refer to the AWS doc if you picked another OS: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/managing-users.html
Play with your PostgreSQL database instance!
Last updated