Declare infrastructures

How to declare an infrastructure?

Declare basic settings

  1. Navigate to the Infrastructures menu -> Click "Declare"

  2. Name your infrastructure

  3. Select the provider that will host the infrastructure from the list (AWS, Azure, OCI, On-Prem)

  4. Fill-in the additional information required to deploy your instances to the selected cloud provider (each provider has its own settings, they are to be retrieved from your cloud provider, see sections below for more details)

  5. Optional - Add any custom tag to your infrastructure (these tags will be applied to all servers pertaining to this infrastructure) Tags are key-value pairs applied to a resource to hold metadata about that resource. Servers inherit the tags from the infrastructure they belong to.

  6. Click Save

AWS settings

Azure settings

  • Resource group name

  • Security group name

  • Subnet name

  • Subscription ID

  • Virtual network name

OCI settings

For each setting, we've tried to help you find where to get the required information from OCI. This is just a guidance at the time of writing this documentation as menus from the OCI interface might change in time.

Last updated