In this section, we will guide you through the deployment of a completely functional infrastructure on AWS.
1. Declare secrets for AWS credentials
From the menu, navigate to configuration -> secrets
Click "declare"
Give a name to your secret
Select "aws credentials" as secret type
Retrieve your tokens from your AWS account and fill-in the fields in the form:
Click "Save"
2. Declare SSH keys
In order to connect securely to the linux targets once created, a pair of SSH keys must be generated and the private key must be transferred to the instances.
Generate a SSH key:
SSH keys can be generated from any machine running openSSH with the "ssh-keygen" command
Copy the content of the private key file:
Give an explicit name to your secret and paste the entirety of the private key into the corresponding field of the form.
Click "Save"
3. Declare your infrastructure
From the menu, navigate to "Infrastructures"
Click the "declare" button
Select your provider ("aws" in the present example)
Get the required information from your AWS account and fill-in the form with (see "declare infrastructures" section for more details)::
Region ID (the AWS region where your instances will be deployed)
Security Group ID (your EC2 security group)
Subnet ID (your VPC subnet)
Create infrastructure tags (optional)
Tags are key-value pairs applied to a resource to hold metadata about that resource.
Servers (AWS instances) inherit the tags from the infrastructure they belong to.
More info on AWS documentation :
Click "Save"
4. Attach your AWS and SSH secret
From the menu, navigate to "Infrastructures"
Select the AWS infrastructure in the list
Click the "Action" button
Click "Attach secret"
Select the secret created in step 1 from the list
Click "Attach"
5. Declare a server
Navigate to the "Servers" menu
Click "declare"
Give it a name
Select the infrastructure to deploy your servers to
Select an image to install (YaK comes with a list of default images, but more images can be added manually - see dedicated section)
Select a server shape (YaK comes with a list of default shapes, but more shapes can be added manually - see dedicated section)
Add custom tags as per your need (optional)
IP address : fill in as per your need or use automatic IP with public address. Assign IP addresses according to your AWS strategy and internal rules.
Admin access checkbox : This defines the IP address used to connect to the instance for configuration purpose.
As the server is part of an infrastructure and secrets have been attached to this infrastructure, the server automatically inherits the secrets.
Secrets can be overriden at server level if required.
6. Deploy server
Select your server(s) in the list
Click "Deploy" from the "Actions" menu
Confirm "Deploy" in the pop up box
7. Start your server
Once deployed to your provider, select your server(s) in the list and click the "start" button to start your server.
8. Job status
Status of your deployment can be followed from the "Jobs" menu.
To create a Windows Server on AWS, not only a cert_key for winrm is required, but also a sshkey. This is specific to AWS and is required to recover the Windows Server Administrator password from AWS Portal.
Last updated