DMK is the acronym for Database Management Kit. It is a tool to simplify and standardize the work with Oracle. It will set the correct shell-environment, offers scripts for starting/stopping Oracle components (database, listener, ...) and to show database related information.
To work with Oracle, e.g. to start the instance or to run sqlplus, you will use a shell (bash or ksh on Unix 🐧, cmd or ps1 on Windows 🪟). And in this shell you need variables like ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, NLS_LANG, TNS_ADMIN, PATH. DMK will dynamically set these SID-specific variables. To switch the environment to another SID, there is an alias with the name of the SID.
Additionally, DMK offers aliases to simplify and standardize complex commands for more efficiency. Examples:
sqh is an alias for "sqlplus / as sysdba" (or "as sysasm" if ASM). Additionally, it enables a history function and keyword completion for sqlplus. And if we set the environment for a PDB, it will automatically switch to this PDB.
cdh is an alias to cd to the current $ORACLE_HOME
taa is an alias to do a "tail -f" on the current alertlog.
It is a tool for standardization. On all systems the same variables and aliases are available. As long as technically possible, it hides differences between the platforms, e.g. between Linux and AIX or Solaris and Windows.
Document convention
This icon informs of a warning
echo Hello World!
This style stands for a command or a script.
This icon stands for a Windows-only action
This action stands for a Unix/Linux-only action
Software Overview
🐧 The software is provided as a small ZIP archive oracle_dmk-<version>
for Linux/Unix. It contains ksh- and perl-scripts, plus a "rlwrap" binary (as a fallback if there is no OS-specifig rlwrap). It has to be extracted in the destination directory (usually in the ORACLE_BASE /u01/app/oracle/local/)
🪟 The software is provided as a small ZIP archive oracle_dmk-<version>
for Windows. It contains cmd, ps1 and perl-scripts, plus some Unix-like utilities (e.g. tar, grep, tail, gzip) and a minimal version of the vi
editor. It has to be extracted in the destination directory (usually in the ORACLE_BASE C:\app\oracle\local\).
In case you encounter a bug, we strongly recommend enabling the DEBUG mode before raising a bug (Set the environment variable DEBUG=1`). It is also helpful to provide the following files/information:
output of "env"
output of "ps -efwww" (linux; Unix similar)
For customers: Contact your dbi services consultant
For dbi services employees: Raise a new issue in
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