Functionalities & Features
This chapter presents the built-in functionality and features of DMK.
Automatic activation of DMK
πͺ Windows desktop link
The first time you start dmk\bin\dmk.cmd, it creates a desktop icon to start DMK. These windows can be customized. Click on the top-left corner of the window, the you can adapt the properties (fontsize, color, terminalsize).
If you do not want such a desktop link, set the variable DMK_NO_DESKTOP_LINK=1 (in dmk.conf.local)
π§ Linux/Unix login-Shell profile
Depending on your SHELL the profile in $HOME can be called β.profileβ or β.bash_profileβ. For bash, we recommend to 'ln -s .bash_profile .profile'; (reduces the risk to source .bash_history instead of .bash_profile)
Alias & Variable Management :
DMK uses the following configuration files (values in later listed files replaces values in earlier files):
Default configuration file provided by DMK. It must not be changed, it will be overwritten with the next upgrade. It is a symlink to templates/etc/dmk.conf.unix or a copy of
Optional. You can create such a file to set your company-wide defaults
The configuration file for your changes of dmk.conf.default lines and for your additional configuration.
SID-specific configuration
PDB specific configuration
For a database instance, the $ORACLE_SID.conf file will be automatically created the first time the SID is sourced. dmk tries to add the variables
DMK_ORA_DB_UNIQUE_NAME For non-database SIDs you can manually create such a file if required (e.g. for "+ASM" SID) |
(1) π§ If upgrade from Release1: changed entries in dmk.conf will be migrated to dmk.conf.local; Afterwards, dmk.conf is ignored.
(2) The value of NLS_LANG (default is: NLS_LANGUAGE||'_'||NLS_TERRITORY||'.'||NLS_CHARACTERSET from nls_database_parameters) can be changed to any other valid string if you need a different setting in the shell (e.g., if you have 8bit sql-scripts, but your database is in AL32UTF8).
DMK set the environment in 3 steps.
All these steps match to a section from the configuration files listed above. Which are defined by brackets β[β¦]β, example follows:
Environment files for Oracle
Before release 2 of DMK, additional information about ORACLE_SIDs had to be added to Oracle's "oratab" file. But these changes were not supported by Oracle. In Grid Infrastructure environments the entry was often replaced by clusterware processes.
From release 2, DMK will leave the oratab untouched (and the dmk.oratab is no longer used). The information that DMK needs is now stored in the following two files:
$DMK_HOME/etc/ora_homes: Information about ORACLE_HOME's
$DMK_HOME/etc/ora_sids: Information about ORACLE_SID's
The source of the information is oratab, oraInventory, oragchomelist and the cluster-registry.
The file is initially generated with a header explaining the format:
The entries for database homes are automatically added if found in oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml or oratab;
This file is initially generated with a header explaining the format:
The entries for Database-Instances are taken from the oratab file or the cluster registry (crsctl).
The order of the lines corresponds to the order in the DMK_LIST_SIDS* variables. With this order, you can priorize instances if you loop over the variable content.
If the former Dummy entries (field 3 is D) are present in oratab, it will be used as type "H".
Otherwise for each ORACLE_HOME a "H"ome entry is generated. There are defaults for the dummy SID-name, e.g.
Hint: afterwards, you can manually adapt the name in the ora_sids file.
The default for release < 18c is constant (rdbmsAABC). For releases 18c or later the default can be adapted with the variables DMK_HOMEFORMAT_RDBMS for databases or DMK_HOMEFORMAT_<product> for any other product as specified in ora_homes file (field2 in uppercase, e.g. GRINF, EMAGENT).
For a Release- or Version-number in the for m X.Y.Z you can use the following variables:
Version {{V01}} (for X), {{V02}} (for Y), {{V03}} (for Z) - each with 2digit.
Release {{R01}} (for X), {{R02}} (for Y), {{R03}} (for Z) - each with 2digit.
Release {{R1}} (for X), {{R2}} (for Y), {{R3}} (for Z) - 1 or 2 digit.
Edition: {{ed}} / {{ED}} se/SE Standard-, ee/EE Enterprise-, xe/XE Express-Edition
Examples :
Recommendation: If you only have one ORACLE_HOME per release and you apply release updates to the existing home, then we recommend DMK_HOMEFORMAT_RDBMS='rdbms{{R01}}{{R2}}{{R3}}' or 'rdbms{{R01}}', otherwise we recommend DMK_HOMEFORMAT_RDBMS='rdbms{{V01}}{{V02}}{{V03}}'.
If the name is already in use, a suffix "_a" to "_zz" is appended to make it unique.
Defaults: If DMK_HOMEFORMAT_RDBMS is not specified, the default is rdbms{{R01}}{{R2}}{{R3}} for the first home of this release and rdbms{{V01}}{{V02}}{{V03}} for the other homes of this release. Example:
Usage: Instead of setting an environment with the dummy-SID, you can also set a dummy environment by specifying an ORACLE_HOME. In this case, the first "H" entry in ora_sids of this home will be used.
Automatic creation of aliases and variables for modules
DMK interacts with other dbi services toolkits (DMK_HA,DMK_DBBACKUP,DMK_SQL, aso β¦.) and creates variables and aliases for it.
Details of the feature:
For module directories located in $cdl, $DMK_BASE (the directory above dmk, usually ${ORACLE_BASE}/local), it creates aliases and variables, except:
Directories containing a dot "." or slash "-" are ignored (incl. π§ hidden files)
Directories beginning with a number are ignored
πͺ Subdirectory "local" is ignored ("local" in %DMK_BASE% is OK)
Subdirectory "dmk" is ignored. For this core module, the handling is different. See below.
For DMK modules (beginning with dmk_), it creates shortname aliases prefixed with dmk to change to this directory
dmkbackup (cd $DMK_BASE/dmk_dbbackup)
dmkcreate (cd $DMK_BASE/dmk_dbcreate)
dmkduplicate (cd $DMK_BASE/dmk_dbduplicate)
dmkha (cd $DMK_BASE/dmk_ha)
dmksql (cd $DMK_BASE/dmk_sql)
For non-DMK directoris, it creates an alias with the lowercase directory-name
It creates an uppercase variable of the directory name containing the full path (DMK_DBBACKUP=$DMK_BASE/dmk_dbbackup)
The System variable ${PATH} is extended with the βbinβ directory
The Oracle variable ${SQLPATH} is extended with the βsqlβ directory
For the core "dmk" module, there is no alias "dmk" for "cd $DMK_BASE/dmk". Instead, the alias is named cdd
Additionally, there are aliases for the subdirectories in $DMK_BASE/dmk with the following naming scheme: cdd.<directory>, e.g.
alias cdd.bin='cd $DMK_BASE/dmk/bin'
alias cdd.templates='cd $DMK_BASE/dmk/templates'
Last updated