📄Version 4.1
Improved tree navigation (double-click / drag & drop)
Improved query parser for all data base types
Preview for parsed queries
Performance optimization of test result file load
Modify structure with Publisher.cfg file and manage settings on configuration menu
Detailed Notes
[OMRUN-355] - Optimize Query Parser
[OMRUN-300] - XML Converter Default Settings UTF8 without BOM [OMRUN-324] - Modify process of loading results [OMRUN-338] - Highlight SQL syntax in Query field [OMRUN-340] - OMdashboard Publishing Test Results with Update Mode [OMRUN-397] - Double Click on Test Scenario Parameter List Field [OMRUN-401] - Double Click on ParameterList Id Field [OMRUN-409] - Moving test object does not rename object entry in scenario [OMRUN-434] - Parameter list name not visible in program object
[OMRUN-16] - Comma in Oracle Query fails [OMRUN-30] - Result Mapping Date Entries wrong [OMRUN-66] - Icon Missed on Start Menu with 32-bit Version [OMRUN-185] - Spaces in Excel Report are lost [OMRUN-186] - Dropdown List during Scrolling not visible [OMRUN-217] - Environment Flatfile Server / DB behaviour not correct [OMRUN-219] - Parser Error with Complex Query [OMRUN-221] - Business Rule Generator on SELECT XX without CRLF fails [OMRUN-222] - Business Rule Generator with Combined Alias / Non-Alias Query fails [OMRUN-238] - Query Content Mixed-Up After Closing OMrun [OMRUN-257] - Empty RTL name if opening TOB without existing RTL [OMRUN-262] - Sort Order of field Data Source X [OMRUN-271] - Parse WITH Command in Query Only [OMRUN-274] - Recent used Business System empty with new OMrun release [OMRUN-276] - Query does allow Capital Letters on Keywords only [OMRUN-281] - Password not visible in ENV [OMRUN-295] - Query body may not be affected by the parser [OMRUN-304] - Result shows no header when empty [OMRUN-312] - Batch native demands "" on all parameters [OMRUN-313] - Alias named '*A_*' causes DB error msg [OMRUN-316] - Focus on a scenarino when it is opened appears on result history grid [OMRUN-321] - Rest of scenario skipped when object fails fatal [OMRUN-330] - Nested variable replacement order new [OMRUN-359] - System Env Var is String Empty if Not Exists [OMRUN-361] - Refresh tree takes a hugh time [OMRUN-362] - XML-Converter reports status failed if it cannot close Excel process [OMRUN-367] - Generate Business Mapping with Parantheses in Text Fails [OMRUN-368] - Double Click on Tree Object [OMRUN-373] - Result shows invalid column headers when alias is modified [OMRUN-375] - Data source B not saved [OMRUN-376] - Folder "RunTimeList" gets created on a wrong level [OMRUN-377] - 1. Attribute not allowed to inactivate [OMRUN-379] - Reporting.exe does not appear after few reports [OMRUN-381] - Test Result Switch to All if already loaded [OMRUN-382] - Edit modus in query terminated when hovering over tree [OMRUN-384] - Business mapping takes not enough column space [OMRUN-389] - Selecting a Business System without Access Rights Blocks OMrun to Restart Ever [OMRUN-393] - Renaming TOB Creates Error Log Entry [OMRUN-394] - Last Open Tree Element Delete Does Not Reload and Update Tree Structure [OMRUN-396] - Test Scenario Parameter List Field is Editable [OMRUN-402] - Query Generator Fails With Select Distinct And Attributes Without Alias [OMRUN-413] - RTL-Gen generates empty (NULL) list different [OMRUN-424] - Move test object renames all components of a scenario [OMRUN-428] - Test objects modifiable and selectable during execution [OMRUN-429] - Object: copy, move, rename = not renamed [OMRUN-431] - Switch to object causes error msg "There is no row at position 0" [OMRUN-433] - Object allowed to delete although used in scenario
[OMRUN-298] - Drag and Drop Tree Element Test Object [OMRUN-339] - OMdashboard Selective Publishing [OMRUN-358] - Show Command String Sent To DB
[OMRUN-211] - Improve UI Usability
Additional functionallity of tree navigation (like search, refresh, copy and move)
Oracle upgraded to client 12
Detailed Notes
[OMRUN-104] - Standardized Parameters in Built-In Tests XML / CSV [OMRUN-155] - Separate Parameters for Source A/B [OMRUN-203] - Implement Row Range Slider on Test Results [OMRUN-237] - Export CSV Report [OMRUN-250] - Password not Visible [OMRUN-283] - Search box in tree [OMRUN-302] - Excel Report writes special chars into XML structure
[OMRUN-65] - Parameter List Sort Order mixing up Test Results [OMRUN-223] - Environment Passwort Encription [OMRUN-238] - Query Content Mixed-Up After Closing OMrun [OMRUN-239] - Refresh of Test Objects in Scenario not Working [OMRUN-242] - OM Var Mixed Up if Subset from Another [OMRUN-261] - Licence key with 0 RTL does default to 1 RTL [OMRUN-269] - After Closing All Tabs Show Active Environment in Tree [OMRUN-270] - Parameter List Name in Tree Reduced to Last Segment After Underscore [OMRUN-272] - XML Converter Does not Work in Scheduler Windows Server 2016 [OMRUN-279] - Update Oracle 12 client-DLL [OMRUN-280] - Publish path as a variable in ENV [OMRUN-281] - Password not visible in ENV, in addition password is masked with [******] on log files if test is running in debug mode [OMRUN-285] - Oracle GROUP BY in upper case NOK [OMRUN-287] - OMrun help page in browser is a modal win [OMRUN-299] - Performance Issue with UpdateTestScenarioPublisher [OMRUN-313] - Alias named '*A_*' causes DB error msg [OMRUN-332] - BuiltIn entry missing on configuration settings [OMRUN-333] - Export result does not open Excel file automatically [OMRUN-334] - Results are lost when moving object to another component [OMRUN-337] - With Clause not Working Properly
Last updated