Version 4.2
OMrun release 4.2.x.x experienced a proper face lifting of the OMrun GUI as well as large enhancement on the test result analysis. Major change and enhancement including many bug fixes:
New look and feel and more stability; light color style and more space for content
Test result presentation with enhanced statistical information on row and column level
Test result additional filter function, allowing to reduce the visible columns to key columns and columns with differences only.
New symbols and coloring on test result column headers for key and info fields
A new query only functionality ensuring to execute a simple query test data object without the comparison.
New sophisticated Excel on demand reports
New XML plug-in component able to import almost any xml format
New data staging plugin, loading test results of a OMrun component automatically to an MS SQL Server database without effort.
Detailed Notes
[OMRUN-618] - Report with Diff result (batch mode) [OMRUN-582] - Load Latest Result File of Every TestObject Within Component With Data Staging [OMRUN-581] - Run-ID in Data Staging Adapter Missing [OMRUN-579] - Add Json Data Adapter [OMRUN-576] - Adding Mouse Over Functionality for Parameter List Header [OMRUN-569] - Layout refresh / white is the new grey! [OMRUN-561] - Set Correct Value of Attribute "Visible" of a UI Element [OMRUN-545] - New Installer Software for VS2019 needed [OMRUN-521] - Change Direction of the Split Bar in TestObject [OMRUN-520] - Create Symbols for Key and Info Field [OMRUN-519] - Make Batch Excel Coloring for Key and Info the Same as Online Excel [OMRUN-517] - Add Detail Information to Result History Table [OMRUN-490] - Hide Columns With All Results Passed [OMRUN-460] - Special chars should be displayed in the same manner on results grid as well as in Excel report [OMRUN-453] - Renumbering TestScenario Ids by Steps of 10 [OMRUN-451] - After New Record is Added in TestScenario it is not Sorted before Stored [OMRUN-346] - Sort on Result Columns [OMRUN-201] - Reduce Visible Columns Based on Test Results [OMRUN-190] - Mark Key and Info Column Headers [OMRUN-150] - Automated Data Mapping based on Content [OMRUN-128] - Data Archiving and Deletion [OMRUN-617] - Timeout Calculation of Programm Adapter is Inacurate with big Values [OMRUN-616] - Program Timeout not working with Connect String in Parameter [OMRUN-615] - Parameter list and its program object do not show failed result [OMRUN-607] - No Scenario Result is Shown in Batch Mode if First Step is Inactivated [OMRUN-606] - Parameter list does not show result history
[OMRUN-629] - Mouse Over Query Lable B Copies Query A Content to Clipboard [OMRUN-627] - Overlapping rows hide effect on result view Diff [OMRUN-625] - Update Problem on Query and Param Tooltips [OMRUN-623] - Data Stage cannot handle same table in differen schema [OMRUN-622] - Scenario does not work when TOB is executed as first Object [OMRUN-604] - Menu starts always minimized [OMRUN-603] - Progressbar on high resolution screen not visible during execution [OMRUN-602] - Remove blanks and line feed chars from remark fields "Ranorex" and "QF-Test" [OMRUN-598] - Crash of OMrun When Trying to Close Application After Creating New Test Object Data Without Saving It [OMRUN-597] - Scrollbar of ENV stays at unexpected position [OMRUN-596] - Long wait during OMrun startup [OMRUN-595] - RTL result history with wrong color [OMRUN-594] - Error if existing Env names are not similar than all results [OMRUN-593] - Tree Splitter Not Resizable if OMrun Windows is Not Maximized [OMRUN-592] - Unexpected Crashes of OMrun [OMRUN-591] - Wrong Result When Executing Scenario from Scheduler [OMRUN-590] - Problems When Executing Batch-Files, Unexpected Deleting of Files [OMRUN-588] - GUI bugs when adding new connect string in enviroment [OMRUN-587] - XMLConverter With Underscore in Prefix Leads to Missing Schema in Query Join [OMRUN-586] - Environment Definition in Bach Job is Case Sensitive [OMRUN-585] - Rounding on String Dos not Work Anymore [OMRUN-584] - Nested OMrun Global Var Causes Extreme Memory Consumption [OMRUN-580] - ConnectString Mix-Up on SourceA in DataAdapter [OMRUN-571] - Publishing Test Results not Working with Comma in Remark [OMRUN-570] - Query B replaces word "Remark" unexpected from RTL [OMRUN-568] - Checkbox "Data Source B" generates Error when switched off\+on [OMRUN-566] - RTL Generator throws exception in any case [OMRUN-565] - Execute TSC without entry causes exception [OMRUN-564] - Open a scenario with blank in name causes error on loading results when same name exists with underline [OMRUN-563] - CSV Converter does not convert into ANSI [OMRUN-562] - Very First Result of TOB Run Shows After Second Run [OMRUN-560] - Rename of Scenario, Environment, Component, TestObject and ParameterList does not update extended properties in corresponding result files [OMRUN-559] - Rename of RTL does not update TOB Resultfiles [OMRUN-558] - Result of any Test Object should be displayed automatically after execution in GUI [OMRUN-556] - Renaming TestObject Failed on Results [OMRUN-555] - Double Click on RTL Result List Does Not Open The Details of a TestObject [OMRUN-554] - Renaming RTL List Leeding to Corrupt TOB [OMRUN-553] - GUI blocks during load of testobject results in TestObjectProgram [OMRUN-552] - Resultfile not Completely Loaded on Result GUI [OMRUN-549] - IDs in Sequence Numbers Allow Negative Values [OMRUN-548] - Missing SqlCeServer DLLs in BuiltInTests Directory [OMRUN-546] - Show result after execution of this object [OMRUN-544] - Possible Data Lock in Special Cases for Dashboard Update [OMRUN-543] - Automated Release Number Deployment / Version not Synchronized [OMRUN-542] - Multithreading on File Read Causing Problems [OMRUN-541] - Rename Parameter List Failed [OMRUN-540] - Empty Environment variable is Replaced by @VariableName Instead of "" [OMRUN-539] - Test Scenario Shows 100% With Infrastructure Issue [OMRUN-538] - TestObject With Error Message If Many RTL Results Exist [OMRUN-536] - Process Violation If Some Of The Steps Are Disabled [OMRUN-535] - Switch And Run Between Two Open Test Scenarios Is Not Working [OMRUN-534] - Function "Delete Environment" potentially deletes wrong Environment on Dashboard [OMRUN-528] - Field 'Data Source A/B' empty will be saved without complain / Button 'Generate' stays green [OMRUN-522] - Result History List Only Shown After Test Run [OMRUN-513] - Create New Component Failes [OMRUN-512] - Data connection issues to DB2 test database [OMRUN-510] - Analyse GUI crash [OMRUN-503] - Open a test object with bigger parameter list takes a long time [OMRUN-500] - No match if key is similar \(1 char upper/lower\) [OMRUN-495] - No test results when 1st attribut is not key and comparison type "Inner \(A/B\)" [OMRUN-482] - New row in grid should show an active checkbox [OMRUN-473] - First row of scenario shows wrong end time if inactivated [OMRUN-470] - With Two Open Scenarios the Wrong is Executed After Renaming the Inactive [OMRUN-467] - It takes a long time to open a test object with many results [OMRUN-465] - Comment on last line of a query does not show correct color [OMRUN-459] - Grey result from initialising should show an empty start time stamp [OMRUN-457] - Special Character Not Escaped in Excel Report [OMRUN-456] - Move object produces copy when cursor is not over the target component anymore [OMRUN-454] - DropDown Menu "Create Test Scenario" is Slow [OMRUN-438] - Parameter list not possible to delete when loaded in object [OMRUN-410] - Password not empty initially [OMRUN-408] - Error when deleting a scenario which was never published in dashboard [OMRUN-405] - Log entry appears twice [OMRUN-383] - Failed execution of data object reloads previous result on grid [OMRUN-369] - Unexpected Object Copy in Tree [OMRUN-363] - Rename and Delete TestObject does not Update DropDown in Active Scenario [OMRUN-344] - All parameter list names with same name get updated in scenario [OMRUN-331] - Config of XML converter "XL" and non-"XL" not similar [OMRUN-317] - Update of breadcrumb not correct [OMRUN-311] - Migration 4.0: char % does empty an attribute column completely [OMRUN-310] - Migration 4.0: old Scenario result cause Error msg. [OMRUN-306] - Install routine shold avoid double installation [OMRUN-277] - Scenario executed if Object fails in next tab group [OMRUN-267] - Open All Elements in Same Tab Group [OMRUN-254] - Delete scenario does not remove scenario from 2nd dashboard [OMRUN-248] - Typo in log text of XML converter [OMRUN-020] - Delete first Row not possible
[OMRUN-610] - 4.2.3. - Bugfixes [OMRUN-609] - 4.2.2. - Bugfixes [OMRUN-345] - Improve Result Output [OMRUN-153] - Improve Parameter List
Non-listed bugs
If no "Result" folder in test scenario exists, open a test scenario throws an exception and forces the user to close OMrun
Proper resources update, OMrunDataProvider / OMrunGuiProvider replicated from Resources and not from Example
Last updated