YaK Core
YaK releases follow the Semantic Versioning scheme (SemVer), that encodes versions by a three-part version numbering (ex: YaK-A.B.C).
The 1st digit (A) indicates the major version of the YaK Core
The 2nd digit (B) indicates the minor version of the YaK Core
The 3rd digit (C) is reserved for future use (ex: emergency fixes, patches... of the YaK Core)
YaK Components
Each YaK Component follows the same versioning convention as the YaK Core (ex: Component-X.Y.Z)
The 1st digit (X) is always in-line with the YaK Core major version (A)
The 2nd digit (Y) indicates the major version of the YaK component itself (ex: Oracle-2.8.0)
The 3rd digit (Z) is reserved for minor changes or patches/fixes of the component (Oracle PSU, HF, etc...)
YaK support policy
Only the latest major version of the YaK Core is supported. A preliminary upgrade to the latest YaK Core version is mandatory to receive support from dbi services.
Last updated