Script that generates a bash / ksh (Unix) or cmd / Ps1 (Windows) environment file to be sourced by dmk.[sh|cmd|Ps1]
Overview of setting the environment for Oracle
To set the shell-environment for Oracle, DMK will generate a temporary script that will be sourced afterwards. The
script is called by a platform specific
(Unix) or dmk.cmd
(optionally dmk.ps1) ((Windows) wrapper script and will generate a platform specific environment file. This environment file is sourced by the calling wrapper-script. The environment file is stored under Unix as /tmp/dmk_{date}_{process-id_}.ksh
, and %TEMP%\dmk_{timestamp}.cmd
(or Ps1) under Windows. It will be deleted after sourcing, except variable DEBUG
is set.
There are variables that are always set by dmk (usually prefixed by DMK_
, but also Oracle-mandatory variables like ORACLE_HOME
They are derived by DMK at runtime (e.g. version of oracle:
)or or from a configuration file (e.g.
from ora_sids). All these variables can be seen as a[INTERNAL]
Other variables can be set by configuration files that are organized in sections. The configuration files have different priorities (least to highest).
Within the same section (e.g. [GLOBAL], see below), the value of a later configuration file replaces the value of an earlier configuration file with one exception: If the value is <keep>
, then the value is kept from the former configuration files. This can be used to keep the default value, and to only change the option to nowarn.
Example: If a variable for the same section is defined in dmk.conf.default
and dmk.conf.local
, then the value of dmk.conf.local
is kept for this section.
The environment file will be generated in the following order of the sections of the configuraton files:
Store or reset the initial environment
All shell path variables that DMK will adapt
will initially be saved in SAVE_DMK_INT_${var}
The same applies to path-variables that are modified by the '+' or '-' operator of a configuration entry, or variables containing variables (e.g. X=$a/b). These variables are saved as SAVE_DMK_CFG_${var}
Also all variables set by the [$ORACLE_SID]
or PDB section of a configuration file are stored in SAVE_DMK_CFG_${var}
The next time of calling this script, it will first restore the value of SAVE_DMK_*_{{var}}
to ${var}
Workflow of
Initialize the environment
Set or reset the variables and aliases ([INTERNAL]
section) that are always set by DMK ilike ORACLE_HOME, DMK_DIAG_DEST or the alias cdd.bin;
Afterwards, read the configuration files in the defined order as described above.
Setting the PATH variable
variable will be built with Perl/Oracle specific path components in front of the $PATH (from initial environment plus modifications by configuration lines), followed by the bin/
directories of the tools in $DMK_HOME
If for any reason you have to modify the internally generated path components, then you have to modify DMK_PRE_PATH
via configuration files. $PATH
is the path set by the OS if you did not modify it.
Setting SQLPATH from directories
All directories ${DMK_BASE}/*/sql will be added in front of the initial SQLPATH; If there are subdirectories sql/oracleXX or sql/oracleXXYY (e.g. sql/oracle19 or sql/oracle1120) and the number XX or XXYY is equal or lower than the current Oracle version it will be added in descending order before all other directories. Example for Oracle 19.7.0:
With the + or - operator you can append individual path components in front or at the end.
in front of the initial $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Setting variables related to the new ORACLE environment
the values are taken from the configuration files $etc/ora_homes
and $etc/ora_sids
, or determined at runtime
Setting alertlog and diagnostic dest variables
For databases < 11g the the alertlog is in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/[sid]/bdump/
For Databases 11g and later the alertlog is usually in the $ORACLE_BASE/diag/[type]/[db_unique_name]/[Sid]/trace/
; If not, the variable $DMK_ORA_SID_ALERTLOG
with the full path has to be configured.
Setting PDB variables and aliases for the current SID
The variable DMK_ORA12C_PDBS
contains the PDBs of the current SID (without PDB$SEED). The DMK_SID_PDB_NAME
is set to the current PDB (or CDB$ROOT)
Additionally to the {SID}.{PDB}
aliases there will also be {PDB}
aliases for every PDB of the current SID (if there is no SID with the same name).
Modifying *PATH variables by + or - operator
For Path variables (e.g. $PATH, $SQLPATH, $LD_LIBRARY_PATH) you can use the '+' operator to append directories in front (option 'begin') or at the end (option 'end') of the variable. Or you can use the '-' operator to remove directories in front (option 'begin'), at the end (option 'end') or everywhere (option 'all') from the variable. If you have configured both '+' and '-', then the '-' will be first applied (per section).
Setting the bash prompt
If the current shell is bash and PS1BASH is defined, then PS1 will be replaced by this bash-specific prompt.
Setting the Windows prompt
The prompt must be set after setting all variables, otherwise it may contain variable-values of the former environment. In cmd.exe the prompt is set with the 'PROMPT' variable. In powershell.exe, the prompt is set by the function 'prompt'. See the dmk.conf.default for an example.
Writing the environment file
Now, the environment file is written to the /tmp
(Unix) / %TEMP%
(Win) directory, and afterwards sourced by the calling dmk.*sh / dmk.(cmd|Ps1) script.
This file is removed afterwards, except you do a export DEBUG=1
before sourcing
Creating a desktop link for Windows
If there is no DMK.*.lnk
on the Windows Desktop to startup a DMK session and the variable DMK_NO_DESKTOP_LINK
is not set, DMK will copy such a desktop link from dmk/templates/etc
and adapt it with cscript.exe
of windows scripting host for your current environment. Example:
%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /K set PERL_EXEC=C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe & T:\dmk\bin\dmk.cmd && C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe T:\dmk\bin\ process
If the link already exists, it will not be updated. If you rename the link, it will be re-created with the original name, except you set DMK_NO_DESKTOP_LINK
After the link is created by DMK, you can adapt the terminal properties like inital size, color and font.
dmk-core uses many functions of, to have more information about it, call perldoc $DMK_HOME/lib/
Last updated