Own program adapter
Last updated
Last updated
You can add your own adapter or copy an existing adapter and fit it to your needs by changing the connect string.
On OMrun Ribbon choose Config
Select tab Program adapter
You can add your own adapter or copy an existing adapter and fit it to your needs by changing the connect string.
In this table interfaces to external functions are maintained. These functions can be an external GUI Test Tool or a batch-script or any (self developed) application.
What's exactly called is defined either in the connect string or in Test Program Object.
Description of the table above:
Type of adapter defined within this line.
Provider Group
Displays all the included Data Provider. This information is predefined and can't be changed. If you need an additional GUI adapter, please get in contact.
Connect String
Describes the name of the external executable and its parameters:
"myTestSuite" will be replaced by the linked or copied external executable defined in Test Program Object.
"myTestApplication" allows to transfer the control to the application defined in the test environment and calls the application defined in "myTestSuite".
"@param1-4" will be replaced by values defined in Parameter List.
"Connection Timeout=x" sets the maximum time range in seconds which an external function is allowed to run without response. External function will be killed exceeding this dead line.
Enter your comments or parameter description here.