CSV Converter
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Last updated
Plug-in to convert any flat file into comma separated values file (CSV) within OMrun.
Execution parameters to invoke a conversion:
Field @param1
(Input file) [mandatory]
Description: Source location incl. file name + extension
Syntax: <full path>\<file name>.<ext>
Example: @TestData\Flatfile.txt
Field @param2
(Output path + file) [mandatory]
Description: Target location of converted file incl. file name + extension
Syntax: <full path>\<file name>.<ext>
Example: @TestData\Converted.csv
Field @param3
(2 Delimiter character/s) [1 mandatory]
Description: Delimiter before/after conversion without any space (delimiter will not change if one is applied only)
Syntax: <1 or 2 delimiters>
Example: |; [delimiter before conversion = | and after conversion = ;]
Field @param4
(Additional character before and after any value) [optional]
Description: additional character around any value after conversion (needed in special cases to keep leading/trailing spaces)
Syntax: <character>
Example: @
The converted file contains the same content but with replaced delimiters and double quotes before and after each value ["value"].
Output format of the CSV file will be ANSI by default. Different formats could be set in config file (admin rights needed):
C:\Program Files\dbi\OMrun\BuiltInTests\OMrunPlugIn\_CsvConverter.exe.config