If an OMdashboard is installed on a IIS Web server, all statistical results defined in the "Dashboard Configuration" are published automatically after every batch run of a test scenario.
There are two update modes available:
Overwrite mode: Deletes actual executed scenario results on dashboard and creates the new structur for the latest run. (Default)
Update mode: Keeps the old results from the last scenario runs visible and updates the executed test objects within the scenario only.
On every dashboard level there are several additional functions available:
The pie chart represents the summary of all object underlying test results (Success Rate, Runtime etc.)
Every recorded test object delivers a statistical information with the percentage of succeeded test runs (mouse over shows amount of passed / failed cases)
Every recorded test object keeps the latest test result of the day archived. The results can be reviewed when clicking on the related histogram of a recorded object.
Home Level
This page is the home page of the OMdashboard. All business systems are listed on this level. The standardard link to this page is: //<server>/OMdashboard/omrun/MainNode/dashboard.aspx
Environment Level
For every environment there is automatically a separate tab created if the test scenario is executed and the scenario and its respective environment are ticked-on in the dashboard configuration. The system is able to detect test scenario anomalies:
Icon | Meaning |
Infrastructure Issue | |
A data compare shows status green but contains no data |
Component Level
This level shows all Test Objects listed under the selected Component with their statistical results.
Test Object Level
On the Test Object level, it is possible for authorized users to download the Excel Result Reports with all detailed attribute differences directly from the dashboard. (click on the Excel symbol at the end of the result list)
Last updated