Business System
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The business system represents a top level container for the whole project which contains all needed scripts to run the defined compare checks.
Open To open an existing business system you can select the business system function click on button "open" or by selecting one of the "recently used links".
New You can create a business system with menu option "New". A wizard guides you through a few steps to establish the needed project structure. Some default directories will be created below the new business system.
Copy / Rename / Delete ⚠️ It is not possible to copy, rename or delete a business system within OMrun. This action can only be executed by an administrator on folder level. Any changes on the business system affects the OMdashboard representation of the test results.
When opening an existing business system that is not on the recent list, the object is selectable with the "open" icon.
An explorer window opens to select the desired "Business System".
To create a new "Business System", a root path for the project is needed as well as a proper "Business System" name (= project name).
When pressing the "OK" button the needed project directories are created automaticaly.
The last wizard step confirms the creation of a new "Business System" (project folders).